PBA Applied Ecology
PBA Applied Ecology


PBA Applied Ecology are able to design and implement bespoke bird surveys targeted at all UK breeding, overwintering or passage migrant birds. Our broad and in-depth ornithological experience and capabilities means we are able to employ and adapt all recognised survey methodologies to meet the specific needs of any project. Survey results are used to inform detailed reports including GIS maps, density heat maps and Ornithological Impact Assessments and Ornithological Mitigation Plans.  

What services do we offer?

Our ornithology team have experience completing a wide range of surveys and reports including:

  • Ornithological Impact Assessments and Mitigation Plans 

  • Nesting bird checks 

  • Breeding bird transect surveys 

  • Bird Flight Path surveys 

  • Wetland, moorland and woodland bird transect and vantage point surveys 

  • Shore watches/sea bird counts 

Legislation protecting birds

All wild birds, their nests and eggs are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended). As such it is a criminal offence to intentionally or recklessly kill/injure any wild bird, damage or destroy the nest of any wild bird while it is in use or under construction or take and damage the egg of any wild bird. Birds listed under Schedule 1 of the Act are afforded additional protection making it an offence to intentionally or recklessly disturb adult or juvenile birds at, on or near a nest site. 

In addition, certain areas are designated for supporting bird populations or species of regional, national or international significance (SPAs, SSSIs, Ramsar sites). Within any of these designated areas it is a legal requirement to demonstrate that developments/other activities will not have an adverse impact on qualifying bird species. 

Do I need a bird survey?

You will require a nesting bird check if your project has the potential to impact any nesting bird. This means if you will be clearing vegetation or buildings during the nesting bird season (March – September) you will likely require a nesting bird check immediately beforehand to ensure that no active nests will be damaged or destroyed as a result of your works.  

If your project will occur within an area designated for its bird interest (SPAs, SSSIs, Ramsar sites) or within/adjacent to habitats of potential importance to bird species (e.g. woodland, moorland, scrub, intertidal habitats or wetlands) then you are likely to require a bird survey before works commence.

These surveys will likely be recommended during Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (PEA) or as a condition of planning permission. 

If you have any queries regarding the services your project may require, please contact our Terrestrial team specialists.