PBA Applied Ecology
PBA Applied Ecology

Aquatic Macrophytes

PBA Applied Ecology are able to undertake specialist aquatic macrophyte surveys targeted at the delivery of our client’s projects alongside the protection of ecologically important sites. We are able to apply and adapt all survey methodologies to deliver ecological solutions for our client’s projects. Survey results are used to inform planning applications including Environmental Impact Assessments and Habitat Regulations Assessments, as well as reporting long term ecological trends and changes.

What services do we offer?

Our botany team have experience completing a wide range of surveys to inform our reports:

  • JNCC compliant aquatic macrophyte surveys (500m stretch)

  • Mean Trophic Rank (MTR) / LEAFPAC compliant aquatic macrophyte surveys (100m stretch)

  • River Corridor Surveys (RCS)

  • River, stream, canal and ditch surveys

  • Invasive non-native species surveys

  • Site condition monitoring (SSSIs, SACs)

  • Survey and monitoring of aquatic macrophytes

Survey and monitoring of aquatic macrophytes 

Aquatic macrophytes provide long term data on the quality of the habitats, hydrology and water chemistry of a site. Monitoring the persistence, species assemblages and distribution of aquatic macrophytes can provide information on the stability of a site, and assist in the determination of impacts to a site.

Aquatic macrophytes also provide structure and habitat for aquatic fauna, slowing flows and increasing dissolved oxygen levels, and as such are often associated with rich biodiverse faunal communities. PBA are highly capable in delivering a range of surveys and monitoring protocols that can be employed to support projects working in the water environment.

Do I need an aquatic macrophyte survey?

Your project may require aquatic macrophyte services if you wish to undertake works in or near a waterbody, and there is potential to impact hydrology, habitats, or water quality of a site. On large infrastructure projects an initial survey following JNCC river macrophyte survey protocols may be required to form the basis of the ecological baseline for the Ecological Impact Assessment Chapter of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

When working within a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) a specific aquatic macrophyte survey may inform a Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA). Where there is the potential for invasive non-native species or where they have been identified in a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA), site specific invasive non native species surveys may be necessary to inform management plans.

If you have any queries regarding the services your project may require, please contact our Aquatic team specialists.