PBA Applied Ecology
PBA Applied Ecology

River Restoration

At PBA Applied Ecology we have a track record of delivering river restoration projects across a range of diverse sites. PBA has previously been engaged in range of ecological restoration projects, including wetland construction, channel re-instatement, water meadow and chalk stream management and restoration, integrated constructed wetland creation, salmonid and fisheries habitat design and river channel realignment projects. 

Services we offer

River restoration can facilitate improvement of ecological conditions and geomorphological and hydrological processes. As such it is a mechanism through which to improve the WFD condition of a watercourse. We offer services including:

  • Initial site appraisal

  • Pre-delivery ecological and geomorphological surveys

  • Feasibility study of potential restoration approaches

  • Environmental and project design coordinated with a range of collaborating organisations

  • Protected species translocations

  • Ecological Clerk of Works

  • Post-delivery ecological and geomorphological monitoring

  • Environmental Permit Applications

Do you need river restoration services?

River restoration and realignment are consistent with current guidance from Defra and the EU Water Framework Directive as a method to improve the delivery of natural processes within river ecosystems. Reservoir removal often requires river restoration along the bed of the reservoir following decommission. Whilst infrastructure projects which aim to protect assets threatened by hydrological processes can also benefit from river realignment and restoration approaches to deliver Biodiversity Net Gain and extend the period of asset protection.

If you have any queries regarding the services your project may require, please contact our Aquatic team specialists.