PBA Applied Ecology
PBA Applied Ecology

Reservoirs and Lakes

The PBA Aquatic Ecology team has a well-established reputation in managing ecology and broader environmental considerations relating to complex water resource management and civil engineering projects. We have expertise in reservoir discontinuance, compensation flow assessments, valve scour test assessments, emergency capital ITIOS works at impounding reservoirs, and aquatic resource management. Our work has taken us across the UK and has exposed us to a broad range of projects and client needs.

What services do we offer?

Our aquatic ecology team can offer a broad range of relevant services which include:

Do you require assistance in reservoir and lake management?

Ecological services can be required on a broad range of projects associated with reservoirs and lakes. In general, if your project is likely to interact with or impact upon a stillwater body you may require ecological assessment, as well as a plan to avoid, mitigate, and compensate for impacts. Statutory bodies often require evidence of the consideration of ecology when applying for relevant permits, licences and permissions.

If you have any queries regarding the services your project may require, please contact our Aquatic team specialists.